It is obvious that I need to clarify something. The couple that is mentioned below is living together. They had a "living together service" in which they:1. wanted man's approval and blessing and2. God's blessing on them and their family.They were not married in this service legally or morally. That was not the intention of this service. The service was a celebration of living together.I came across this within the past couple of months. It is true. I have changed the names to protect the wicked participants.
The Uniting of George (Jr.) Howard and Brenda Sue Mathers
June 20, 2007 at 11:30am
Jones County Recreation Park
Inside the program it says...
Unity Blessing
Patricia Wahman assisting
Opening Song by ......
We have come together as family and friends to witness the joining together of George and Brenda as they unite their lives together as a couple. We gather to ask God to bless their union.
George and Brenda wish to declare their commitment to each other to love, comfort, and honor each other in sickness and in health and be faithful to one another as long as they live. George and Brenda take seriously the full nature of this commitment of joining their lives together.
We celebrate with them that they have been drawn together in love and that they desire to please and serve God in this new relationship.
Let us listen to the words from 1Corinthians 13:4-8
Therefore, George, without reservation, do you pledge to love, honor, cherish, and care for Brenda all of your days?
George: "I do"
Brenda, without reservation, do you pledge to love, honor, cherish, and care for George all of your days?
Brenda: "I do"
Presentation of the rings:
The ring is a symbol of everlasting love. There is no beginning or end to it, just as their is no beginning or end to your love for one another. Do you George, pledge your love to Brenda by giving her this ring?
George: "I do"
Do you Brenda, pledge your love to George by giving him this ring?
Brenda: "I do"
Let us join together in prayer.
The Lord's Prayer sung by James Couch
As George and Brenda begin their life together, let us now pray for God's blessing on their home.
Ever loving God, we pray that you will bless the home that George and Brenda now begin. Unite their families in love and understanding. We pray that they will grow in love and peace with God and each other all their days and that George and Brenda may reach out in concern and service to each other and to others through Jesus Christ. Give them patience and understanding toward each other. Help them remember their past loved ones but to look to their future together with hope and joy. We rejoice in their union and pray your blessing on them. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen
George and Brenda will be at home at 29 Peach Trail Somewhere, USA
This was a ceremony for two people to shack up together. This is not a wedding ceremony. It is a "live together ceremony." I know the person who knows this couple. This couple was living in sin and wanted the community's approval of their sin with God's blessing.