I would like to share with you my thoughts on Logos' Bible Software.
This is a company based out of Washington that started from the ground up as a small operation. They are now a leader in the Bible Software industry. This in itself is no small task considering the Bible software industry and its size.
I started using Logos about 15-16 years ago when it was very basic and easy to use. Oh, how times have changed! After a few years of using it I started using WordSearch and laid Logos down. After about 11 years I started to notice it again and how it offered so much.
Now, the review.
The company sent me a copy of the Scholar Platinum edition
-To be fair, there is a steep learning curve IF you want to be proficient with this software. To use this software on a basic level it is ok for beginners (see usability) below.
-**Word of warning** You need to have a computer with decent specs to run this software or it will bring your system to a crawl. I would say 2.0ghz, 2gb memory, and 3-4 gb of hard disk space. All of this is a minimum.
-It really helps if you install the library to your hard drive. You can also choose to run the basic installer and run everything from the internet.
-Graphically- I would give the program an 8 out of 10
-Interface- I would give the program a 7 out of 10
-Content- (which is the crux of what most Bible software programs are all about) I would give a 9.5 out of 10
-Upgrade-ability- which includes updates, upgrades to the main program and add-ons to the existing program I would give a 9 out of 10
and lastly
-Usability (ease of use) - I would give an 8 out of 10
Logos software is not a beginner software. It is best suited for someone who has some experience using Bible software. The integration that it has with a word processor is great. The ability to do word studies or better yet, themed studies, is amazing. I especially like the way all of your windows or studies can be linked.
As an example...
If I do a study on the gifts the wise men brought to baby Jesus you might have windows (as many as you want) popping up to give you the history of those gifts, what each gift meant at that time, the culture's view on those gifts or the wise and etc.
The right-click menu system is very good as you can click on a word and parse the word to the fullest.
Finally, the great thing about this software is how you can upgrade it.
You can buy the Christian Home Edition which includes almost 100 Bibles and Bible reference books and build on it. You can add as little or as much as you want. You don't have to buy the big packages like the one mentioned earlier. You can add a simple book or a set of books. It is up to you. They also have Spanish versions available.
This is a good program but I would not recommend it for someone who wants a novelty program who wants to look up Bible verses everyone once in while. If that is what you want then check out my other review