Jennifer Knapp announced recently that she is a lesbian. There are so many issues here to bring up but I will only touch on a few.
1. It sickens me that she felt the need to travel the globe for years living in sin and desires to come back and have the Christian community receive her and give her a pass. To do this would put us in violation of James 5.
2. It grieves me that someone can come on Larry King Live and state that she can embrace her lesbian lifestyle while embracing her faith. The arrogance that she showed and disrespect she showed Pastor Bob Botsford was appalling
3. She said..."I would rather be judged before God as being an honest human being," she said. "If I am in any way unpleasing in his sight, I can only hope and pray that he gives me the opportunity to find who I am supposed to be."
Who I am supposed to be? To her, sin is anyone saying the Bible calls certain actions sinful.
Repeatedly in the Larry King Live interview, she infers that God wants us to love as did Haggard. This implies that love allows someone to sin, allows sin to continue without being called sin, and never calling sin what it is, and never bringing up the Bible when it opposes our actions.
4. What in the world is she saying here?
5. It matters none to me if the pagan culture buys her CD. But I hope that not one Christian buys her CD. If she is saved, and I do have my doubts, she has to see that the Christian community CANNOT turn a blind eye to here wicked lifestyle. To say that you're dealing with these sinful tendencies and that you need the prayers and support of the saints is more than fine. To embrace it and dare anyone to call it out is wickedness.