Tuesday, May 29, 2007

An Old Post

Here a few things that the Roman Catholic Church has proclaimed:

1. Prayers for the dead . ………………300 A.D.
2. Making the sign of the cross ………………………… …300 A.D.
3. Veneration of angels & dead saints ……………….375 A.D.
4. Use of images in worship………………………………… . 375 A.D.
5. The Mass as a daily celebration……………………………… 394 A.D.
6. Beginning of the exaltation of Mary; the term, "Mother of God" applied a Council of Ephesus…431 A.D.
7. Extreme Unction (Last Rites)……………………………… ..526 A.D.
8. Doctrine of Purgatory-Gregory I…………………………… .593 A.D.
9. Prayers to Mary & dead saints ……………………………… .600 A.D.
10. Worship of cross, images & relics ……………………… … 786 A.D.
11. Canonization of dead saints ………………………………… ..995 A.D.
12. Celibacy of priesthood …………………………………… …1079 A.D.
13. The Rosary ……………………………………………… … 1090 A.D.
14. Indulgences ……………………………………………… …..1190 A.D.
15. Transubstantiation-Innocent III …………………………… 1215 A.D.
16. Auricular Confession of sins to a priest …………………… 1215 A.D.
17. Adoration of the wafer (Host)…………………………… .. 1220 A.D.
18. Cup forbidden to the people at communion …………………..1414 A.D.
19. Purgatory proclaimed as a dogma……………………………..1439 A.D.
20. The doctrine of the Seven Sacraments confirmed …………….1439 A.D.
21. Tradition declared of equal authority with Bible by Council of Trent..1545 A.D.
22. Apocryphal books added to Bible ……………….1546 A.D.
23. Immaculate Conception of Mary……………………………….1854 A.D.
24. Infallibility of the pope in matters of faith and morals, proclaimed by the Vatican Council …1870 A.D.
25. Assumption of the Virgin Mary (bodily ascension into heaven shortly after her death) .1950 A.D.
26. Mary proclaimed Mother of the Church……………………… 1965 A.D.

As I said in a much earlier post I am wanting to write like I speak. Typically, people tend to write much more fancy than they speak. Well, not here. So let me be perfectly clear in the next paragraph or so.

Many of the above mentioned items are wicked to the core. I don't care what council said it; if it is not supported in Scripture then it is man-made. I am tired of RCC's trying to tell me what this or that meant. I say let's just take it at face value. ie

INDULGENCES are demonic and from the pit of hell. The RCC has refused to publically repent of this past practice.
PURGATORY-if this place is real then Jesus did not have to die to cleanse us from our sins; hence, a cult.
PRAYERS TO MARY AND DEAD SAINTS- another wicked demonic practice that the RCC refuses to admit is unscriptural
ASSUMPTION OF MARY- scripture???? I could go on and on but in the end the burden of proof lay in the lap of RCC's. We are not brothers and sisters in the Lord. You must repent of your sins and quit trusting in mere man to forgive you.

Here is a little food for thought...

[He told him that He would not leave them orphans. That phrase struck me because I heard it used when Pope John Paul II passed away. One of the television news interviewers was talking with a young woman in St. Peter’s Square who responded: “With our Holy Father now dead we feel like orphans.” Then when Pope Benedict XVI’s election was announced and he appeared on the balcony of St. Peter’s, another person being interviewed declared: “We are no longer orphans.”] http://www.catholicweb.com/media_index.cfm?fuseaction=view_article&partnerid=40&article_id=2059

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Rodney King Theology

Many of you might remember Rodney King. His plea was "Can't we all just get along."

I fear that many of today's Christians are crying this mantra all the while compromising what they believe.
To me this give a great foothold to Satan. He can and will do his level-headed best to get us to give some deference to those of other beliefs. I will tell you that it will not be happening in my camp. I will come against it at every point. And yes, I know this might not seem very loving but my name is not Robert Schuller.

Friday, May 18, 2007

A Little Clarification for all of My Cultic Observers

I posted this last year but I think it needs to be reposted. It follows the math symbols as a guide to distinguishing a false teaching.

Here is an excerpt...

Very simply, a cult is:
1. (+) any group that adds to the Word of God as their spiritual guidance, manual or wisdom
2. (-) any group that subtracts from the person of Jesus Christ. "He is a good teacher" or "He was only a prophet."
3. (x) any group that multiplies what you have to do to become a Christian.
It is by Grace alone though faith alone in Christ alone. If we add anything to this (like works) we are in grave error.
4. (./.) any group that divides itself as the only true church.

So, for all that think that I am "not nice, not loving, being unchristian" remember this...

I will come against any group that follows some or all of these practices.


Sunday, May 13, 2007

More for the Papists

From Christian Research Network: This piece concerning the apostate Church of Rome over
at Apprising Ministries
begins with a quote from Dr. John MacArthur who says, "The papacy is unbiblical; it is unbiblical. There’s not one tiny shred of evidence in Scripture for the papacy,… It was all developed by evil people, satanically led to create a false religion that would be the enemy of the Truth." Here you will see from official Roman Catholic sources themselves that this "office" of the papacy has "the function of proclaiming the gospel [which] has been entrusted principally to the Roman Pontiff and the college of bishops.”

To read more click here.
"Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm..." -Jeremiah 17:5

Friday, May 11, 2007

Welcome, Catholic Observers

I hope everyone likes the picture that I have posted for all to see. Mary, our "CO-REDEMPTRIX" is gracing this post for you.
This is what the Roman Catholic Church believes. Forget praying to Jesus (1Tim. 2:5-For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus). Now you just tell people to pray to Mary who was a sinner and needed a savior like everyone else and you're in.
That alone is grounds for a cult. It takes the complete focus away from Christ, the blood and the Cross.
Mind you, I do not have any disrespect for Mary herself, just the the Whore of Revelation (Roman Catholic Church) that have used her as their poster child.
Mary was blessed among women and was a special vehicle that God used to bring His Son to this earth. Forget worshiping the vehicle and start worshiping the savior.
Oh, and by the way. "Anonymous, you are a good copy-er and paste-r." It is a shame that you don't have a name.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Beauty of Election

Look at this wonderful explanation of Election by John MacArthur.

My own struggle with the doctrine of God’s sovereign election comes from my emotion, it comes from the influences of my fallen heart, it comes from my expectation that everybody ought to have a right to make a choice. And it also comes from the early years of my Christian experience when I didn’t understand what it meant to be depraved.
As a young Christian I didn’t understand how really dead the sinner is. That is the bottom line issue here. Salvation has to be all of God if you understand the doctrine of human depravity. If you understand what it means to be utterly unable to do right; unable to know God, dead in trespasses and sins, in the most profound kind of unalterable death about which you can do nothing. And if you understand there is no human merit, there is no human effort, there is nothing we can do to alter that situation or to please God.
Out of the doctrine of what I call utter human inability comes the doctrine of election. It was when I understood the sinfulness of man and the total inability of the sinner to do anything about his condition that I was left with nothing but the doctrine of election to solve that problem.

(Answering the Key Questions About the Doctrine of Election, Grace To You, GTY 106)


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